As a low-cost foray into road cycling my wife recently purchased a B'twin Triban 3 roadbike from Decathlon - a huge French sports retailer. These £299 carbon-forked aluminium roadbikes with Shimano Sora/2300 components are highly rated as winter trainer or commuter bikes, as they cost not much and do pretty much what you need. Reviews are unanimously positive - no, this isn't a full-carbon Ultegra + Zipp 303 rocketship, but then again it cost less than one shifter or wheel on a posh racer.
It always was our intention to put mudguards on, and the SKS RaceBlade Long was the guard of choice - easily removable, light, robust and good-looking, and can be fitted to bikes without mudguard mounts too, using the quick-release skewer to hold them in place. Reviews are pretty positive too. So £44.95 later the box arrived, and all looked good.
(If you are already convinced, please click here to buy from Wiggle. I get 4% to spend on cheese, bikeparts and beer, the rest foolishly)
Now the accepted wisdom of fitting SKS guards seems to be:
1. Read instructions
2. Read instructions again
3. Discard instructions, make large mug of Yorkshire* tea
5. Get On With It
and I fully concur. So off we go Trev...
...except we ran into a *minor* snag. You see, unbeknownst to us, and certainly not mentioned anywhere on the Decathlon website is the fact that apparently frame sizes below 54cm come with 650c wheels, smaller than the standard 700c ones SKS make the RaceBlade Long to fit. A perfectly acceptable thing to do, as 700c wheels on tiny frames is just silly. It would have been nice to know, however, to ensure spare tyres and tubes were to hand. At this point it was a good thing the children were in bed, as there was some colourful language used.
A quick Google confirmed that apparently no-one on earth makes removable 650c mudguards. So in true No. 8 wire spirit, and with much spousal scepticisim, the Fettling began.
What was obvious was that the stainless steel stays were far too long. No amount of bodging was going to change this fact, so they had to be cut down in a way that didn't compromise the rigidity of the guard or profile against the tyre. Knowing that Mrs GâteauVélo would be insufferable if this lack of Fettliness was allowed to stand, a plan was hatched...
Measure, measure and measure again
As every bike's mudguard mount location and fork rake differ, there is no perfect calculation to make here. So you have to measure up against the guard on your bike, to get the correct length to cut the mudguard stays to.
Attach the under-brake mounts and get them all lined up nicely, clipping the mudguard into the under-brake mount. Basically what you have done is fitted the mudguard, but not slipped the stays over it so it can flop against the tyre.
Step 3: Take a caliper or ruler, and measure the gap between the top of the mudguard and the BOTTOM of the black plastic stay bridge. This gives you the distance the stays need to shorten by to correctly space the guard from the tyre. In this case, 55mm.
Choppy Choppy
Step 5: NOTE: do this step for just one side of one stay first. Take deep breath and cut the stay. As this is very high quality stainless steel, normal pliers probably won't do the job - use either a high TPI hacksaw or a set of specific cutters (these ones date from 1948, bah gum).

Step 7: Take your newly-cut-down stay and slide it onto the mudguard, into the correct position, 1/3 of the distance between brake and rear. Re-insert it into the plastic endcap. Check your handiwork (leave the other side out of the plastic cap for now). If there is a God in Heaven your mudguard should now be correctly spaced from the tyre, with some adjustment room left in the endcap if needed. If correct, now measure and cut the other side of the stay the same length. If you have measured correctly but need a bit less clearance, just cut down the stay a few more mm or whatever. If you have cut the stay too short and there isn't enough adjustment in the plastic endcap to hold it securely, re-read Steps 2-5, collect credit card and off to eBay with you. Do not pass Wife.
Step 8: If all is good with the 'top' stay closest to the brake, now repeat process for the 'bottom' stay furthest away.
Step 9. Make another mug of Yorkshire tea. Do all over again for front wheel.
And Voilå! You now have a rock-solid set of removable guards on a 650c wheelset. These guards are easily strong enough to pick the bike up with, don't rub at all even under heavy pedaling/cornering, and unclip / refit in a few seconds each. A bonus in putting a 700c guard on a 650c wheel is that the guard extends even lower down the back of the wheel, offering even more protection from water/crud.
With guards removed - not too shabby. |
If you want to buy a set of Raceblade Long guards, your LBS should be able to oblige. If you intend to purchase online, please click here to go to Wiggle's online store - I'll get a whopping 4% of your purchase, and this will of course be spent wisely on beer, cheese and bike parts.
* don't ask me why it has to be Yorkshire tea. Just trust me. Any subsequent tendency to suck your teeth, say 'eee lad' or stroke a whippet is entirely a personal issue.
Thanks a lot man .. mine is also 650 wheels. I will try it and will let you know the result. It doesn't seems very easy for me :P
Hi mate, just wanted to thank you for taking the time to make this guide. I too was having difficulty trying to find mudguards for my Triban 3.
I have just ordered a set from Wiggle and wanted to ask whether the 55mm stay length would also apply to my bicycle? My bike is a frame 51.
You are right about the lack of variety in tyres and tubes for 650c wheels! Curse my under average stature!
Hi Matthew, no worries, glad you fond it useful.
Regarding the 55mm thing, that was what I measured the difference as being on that bike. I have no idea if yours might be different - B'Twin might have changed the lug location, or tyre size, or anything. I wouldn't take 55mm for granted - as making that cut is one-way only if it's too short :-/
Best to measure it up yourself, if you are worried, cut it a bit long, and try / remeasure / recut. It's a two minute job to check, much better than £45 down the gurgler.
Wonderful guide thank you.
Just bought a Triban 500 se with 650c wheels so if i decide to get mudguards this is what i will do.
Alex JM
BRILLIANT reading.
Funny and a job really well done!
Thanks for sharing the detailed instructions! Reading it a few years after you posted it, but hey, jungle drums are slow to reach us with mods.
Thank you for writing this helpful article.
I just fitted some SKS Raceguard XL to my girlfriend's Decathlon Triban bike with 650c wheels (not sure of the model but it's grey and blue) and your instructions were spot on.
Some advice to others in case it helps at all: the relevant measurements that I needed to cut off were 40mm off the rear stays and 35mm off the front stays.
As the author suggests, if in doubt cut less off!
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